The Broadway Theatre


The Broadway Theatre is always looking for volunteers. We use volunteers to do many things at the Theatre including pick-up and delivery, helping out at live events, fundraising mailouts, special box office, Fringe Festival/Street Fair, and others.

Volunteer Guidelines

Please review our volunteer guildelines prior to submitting your application.

Volunteer Guidelines

Request to Volunteer

If you are interested in volunteering at the Broadway Theatre, please email us at or call us at (306) 652-6556 ext 2.

Download Application

Volunteer Application

Volunteer Interest

Thank you for your support, The Broadway Theatre is 100% community owned and operated.

Community Partners

Procido Affinity Credit Union Saskatchewan Jazz Festival Paved Arts Ness Creek Music Festival Broadway YXE Arcana Creative Beagle Productions St. John's Music Kinsmen Club of Saskatoon CO-OP Saskatoon 9 Mile Ivy & Dean Vista Eyecare SGI

Public Funders

Sask Arts Sask Culture City of Saskatoon Govenment of Canada Sask Lotteries

Media Partners

CFCR Planet S Magainze CBC CTV RAWLCO Saskatoon Media Group

Venue & Tech Partners

Emmanuel Refinery On the Boards at the Refinery Louis Amigos Cantina BlackCat Tavern TCU Place Production Lighting Pure Reinforcement